My mother once told me that I owned an aweful lot of shoes. I wonder what my roommate's mother would say?
As good as she is a being sweet to me, I can't help mistrusting that sweetness. She did, in fact, smoke in our suite's bathroom within the first several weeks of school. Maybe that has something to do with it. . . who knows. Don't worry, sweet little me does not always keep my mouth shut. She knows what I think. . . very well. Sam isn't around much. Therefore, not many people in Watauga College, of which she is a part, seem to know who she is.
I still don't understand why drinking and pot smoking are such prominent pastimes in college. I guess I'll never know. Apparently it is really fun while you are doing it ( even if you do get hit by a car like someone I know. I can't imagine that he wasn't drunk).
I am enjoying things here, even when the stresses that come with school appear. Soon I'll learn how to handle them and it won't be so bad. Next saturday is homecoming and I can't wait. That will be lots of fun. Football and parades and exciting stuff like that. Woohoo!
Have a good week or so. I'll write again soon.