
Sunny 65 degree weather days should be reserved for the spring months. February does not count.

I am not a feminist and Gloria Steinem has confirmed it. She has, however, also confirmed that there are at least three hundred other feminists in Boone who can replace me. Thank goodness for that...

I wasn't aware that it was a cool thing to go to a bar at lunch time on a school day right before class to get sloshed. Actually, I though it was a stupid thing. My bad!

Accounting almost makes sense to me now.

So many people in Boone are getting the flu right now that someone has actually started a rumor that they will cancel school for a week if the amount of sick people continues to increase. I'm beginning to appreciate all I went through to get my flu shot at the beginning of the school year.

Speaking of canceling school, someone is getting soft in their old age because the spring semester has been going for less than four weeks and they have already had one day of no classes before 11 a.m. and one day of completely canceled classes because of snow and ice. By reading my first sentence and then knowing that there has been snow in the past few weeks also we can only come to one conclusion: that is that, as one of my friends said, "the weather in Boone has a mental breakdown every day."


The Sooz said...

It's called "The Library", so it's a totally logical before school activity, I mean, every one else goes to the library to study.

Julie said...

Hey Eliza,
I hope and pray that my children are as sensible as you when they get to college.

My little sis, Lorie, saw you at church in Boone last Sunday, but didn't say hi. She is actually a bit shy.